French Onion Soup

Here is a favorite from my kitchen that I have been making for many years. It is a good addition to French Dip Sliders or Subs on Gluten-Free Rolls. The one thing that I can’t stress enough are the immortal words of Nina; my she rest well, “The secret to French Onion Soup is to BURN THE ONIONS! No one has the courage to BURN THE ONIONS anymore.” The darker you can get the onions (more caramelization) the more taste you are adding to your soup.

French Onion Soup

  • 4 Cups Beef Broth
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1/4 Cup Dry Red Wine of Choice
  • 2 Medium Onions
  • 2 Ounces Portabello Mushrooms (sliced)
  • 4 Tbsp Butter
  • 2 Large Cloves Garlic (chopped)
  • 4 Slices Gluten Free Bread
  • 4 Medium Slices Goat Milk Cheese

Peel onion then cut into 8 wedges each (total of 16 wedges). Separate layers of onion and place in saute pan with butter.

Sweat the onions over medium-high heat.

Add mushrooms and garlic and saute until onions caramelize. (Onions should begin to turn DARK-BROWN and crisp around the edges!!)

Add burgundy and reduce slightly.

Pour Beef Broth, water and all sauteed ingredients into medium soup pot. Scrape all drippings from saute pan to add to soup. Salt and pepper to taste. (Remember that commercial broth has lots of salt and pepper)

Bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 2 hours.

After soup has finished simmering:

Lay Gluten Free Bread slices flat on sheet tray. Using Soup cup or cookie cutter; cut each slice into crust-less circle.

Butter lightly, sprinkle with garlic salt and toast on both sides under broiler.

Fill oven safe soup cups with soup; making certain to get onion, garlic, mushrooms for each cup of soup.

Lay one GF bread circle on top of soup and cover with a medium (round) slice of goat-milk cheese.

Return to broiler until cheese begins to melt and browns slightly.

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